The name of the exhibition I visited was the Transformed Vision
exhibition held at the Tate Modern. There were many artists such as
Thomas Hirscharn, Germaine Richier, Allan sekula, Mark Rothko, Miyako
Ishiuchi and Gerald richler. I Observed this exhibition was very war
orientated and as the exhibition progressed it told a story. My
immediate reaction was that from the beginning the pieces were very bold
and created a very gloomy and dark atmosphere which conveyed very deep
emotion and it felt to me like depression. Emotion as to be expected
made frequent appearances throughout although a piece that undoubtedly
caught my eye was a piece by Thomas Hirscharn found at the entrance of
the exhibition I found this sculpture very captivating as it was made
from everyday materials but looked like deformed figures which made me
feel quite emotional. There are connections between he work in this
exhibition and my work. This exhibition shocks and provokes a public
reaction through some of its horrific imagery and I enjoy making work to
enhance a public reaction and I future I hope to create more emotive
work. Overall I don't think this exhibition requires a open mind as it
draws in the sympathy of the audience.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Fashion Photography
I wanted to make a floral headpiece inspired by my samples. I enjoy working with collage therefore for this exercise i cut out red back grounds from magazines and newspapers and made a collage which i then used to make the shape of the rose. Although it was time consuming i think it looks very effective and the cut outs from magazine made the rose look very shiny. My biggest challenge was getting the rose to stay on the head without falling off, so i added a band made out of paper i have folded repeatedly and stapled the rose to it which made the head piece very sturdy. I am happy with my out come i think it looks very well made.
Work on Manequin (Fashion Pathway)
In this exercise we were in groups and we made larger versions of our easiest to construct samples and combined it with other members of our group samples. I enjoyed this exercise because I liked working with other samples and communicating with the group on what looked good. However I didn't enjoy creating compositions alongside themes as it was hard to convey certain things for example romantic as everyone has there own interpretations on what romantic is.
Fashion Pathway
Samples for design
I used a combination of different types of paper to create floral samples from news paper to tissue paper. I liked this exercise I think the samples turned out very well and have a resemblance to types of flowers. For me the Poppy sample I made with the red tissue paper turned out the best due to its simplicity made it look very graceful like a real flower also out of all of the samples the red makes it stand out.
I used a combination of different types of paper to create floral samples from news paper to tissue paper. I liked this exercise I think the samples turned out very well and have a resemblance to types of flowers. For me the Poppy sample I made with the red tissue paper turned out the best due to its simplicity made it look very graceful like a real flower also out of all of the samples the red makes it stand out.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Photography Pathway: StoryBoard Killer washing machine
In this exercise we had to create a story board using six images using a basic structure for a story. At the beginning there needs to be a introduction to the main character which in this story is washing machine man, create a problem, Include at least three struggles and finally conclude it with a resolution. I enjoyed this exercise as i felt it gave opportunity to be very creative however i did feel it was difficult to include all basic story characteristics into six frames. I had to be very selective when picking the photographs that could illustrate the story well and as a result i was very restricted and not all of the story could be told.
Photography Pathway
1st image Echo, 2nd fall, 3rd Happy, 4th crush and 5th Sad
We needed to convey these different word only using photography. I didnt find this exercise particulary hard as it wasnt difficult yo find things that conveyed these words as everything is open for interpretation and i this case i did not feel like there was a right or wrong answer as it was about how i interpreted it.
Observational Drawing Elimination of the unessesary
These are sections of one drawing of a tree. the task was to crop out things in the drawing only leaving what was important for conveying an idea. i tended to crop out the bottom and leave in the top because i thought the leaves looked like birds and i wanted to bring across a sense of weightlessness and being free thats why i left alot of space around the picture. I think it worked well.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Time Line
This is my timeline for the week it starts off from the items from memory i drew a collage of symbols from the items from memory the lines and curves are going towards the right starting the story then it goes on to the journey to the v&a and symbols and signs i saw on the way there and inside the v&a such as the transport for London sign. Then my time line moves onto the time capsule burial which i added colour to to show that it is my latest memory therefore i can remember it more so than the others and also the flowers had alot more colour. i like my timeline i think it works well but i would like to try other things apart form drawing i am looking foward to lens based media.

Thursday, 5 September 2013
Time Capsule Burial
Observational Drawing
Sketch of memory items in Time capsule bags. It this drawing i used lines to express the shapes and the light bouncing of the bag.
Vertumnus & Pomona
Vertumnus was a god that can assume any form. In this sculpture he takes off his mask of a old women to reveal he is a young man underneath. This caught my eye because of the mask he is holding as it reminded me of my Venetian mask i had put in my time capsule.
Observational Drawing
Vertumnus and Pomona Sculpture found at the Victoria and Albert Museum. I found this sculpture quite easy to sketch as it had very bold shapes and lighting therefore i could easily apply tone by just observing.
In Memory of
This sculpture found at the Victoria and Albert museum Reminded me of the theme of memories as it is a sculpture to preserve someones memory of a significant other.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
The Art Of Remembering
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