Saturday, 17 May 2014

Final Statement

My final outcome for my final major project is a demonic themed church hat made out of synthetic hair. The making process was inspired by the making process of a braided straw hat. As I wanted to work with hair for my final piece and through experimentation I found that hair could be quite difficult to work with but when I braided the hair it was easier to manage and create shape. When making straw hats the straw is braided and woven together to form a circular shape therefore I applied the same methods to the hair. This differs from my original project proposal as I did not use the materials I had thought of using, originally I thought I would be using recyclable materials but I wanted to expand onto materials that were more exciting and unpredictable.
I have used my sketchbook to help with the development of my ideas. I found my sketchbook useful as I could look back on research I had collected and try to produce a piece in response to a combination of different research. Also I found my blog useful for personal reflection as I could look at reflections from previous weeks to see if I have developed, and taken my criticisms of my work into account. The more I have learned and developed the better I can explain the methods and the reasoning behind the work.
One of my targets met is the research into demons/Satan. I was more interested in the common interpretations of the appearance of Satan, which I took from the Christian bible. Secondly an important target I added was to incorporate hair into my final piece, this was the target I found most difficult as it is a hard material to work with. Lastly one of my biggest targets was to create a biblical inspired piece of headwear, to which my hat was largely based around.
One large development during my final major project was the decision to use hair as my main material because the material I use affects the outcome of my piece. Because the hat was braided hair it had the potential to be quite floppy and a lot like a sun hat than a church hat but because I made the decision to use glue instead of sewing the braids together like I had previously it managed to hold some shape and maintain sculptural characteristics. Also by not focusing too much on demons and Satan I was able to expand my research into religion as a whole which was a huge development during my research as it helped me in deciding the material to use for the final piece and in the development in the designs.
Advice I received during my final major project I found useful as it provided another viewpoint on my project a piece of advice I received for example was to decide on my material and then experiment before I come up with my design because the material can shape the design and the kind of hat I make. Also to experiment with hair is it may be difficult to make a whole hat from hair and if the hair does not work to make sure I have knowledge of alternative materials to use for example buckram. Another piece of advice I received was to go hat shopping to look at the materials hats were made of and find out why people wear hats to church, this was useful advice because find this out opened a path for a new understanding of church hats and church on a whole.
If I could change my approach, I would try out a variety of materials and not decide too early on the material as It would have been beneficial for my own development to expand my range in terms of media, however I think I did develop as I used a material I did not think I would use effectively. I think I have improved on my time management as I did not get too occupied with doing research, I had time to experiment and make my final piece.  I think the development in my ability to time manage is something that I will carry on developing when I move onto my future studies.

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